Survivor title graphic

This website was created by a volunteer panel of experts to provide helpful guidelines and resources on how to emotionally survive and recover from terrorist acts and traumatic events.

In the files below, we offer compassionate assistance dedicated to the survivors of the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania terrorist attacks, their families and friends, the families and friends of those who were killed, first responders and rescue workers, and everyone feeling the emotional impact.

Everyone affected by the terrorist attack or any other disaster will find this site helpful. Parents are also provided with guidelines for helping their children overcome their fears.

The healing process takes time and it takes place internally. No words can hurry the process or take the pain away. You will discover, however, that the proven, practical methods provided here will guide you along the path of survival to recovery.

Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the terrorist attack. Because of this tragedy, we will never be the same again. But we are a nation of resilient people. Even in the midst of the agony, there is the certainty that we will heal and we will emerge even stronger than we were before.

Read about the The Vesey Street "Survivors Staircase" Preservation Project sponsored by World Trade Center Survivors Network.
World Trade Center 9/11/2006 Survivors Update
World Trade Center 2005 Survivors Update
     About Alicia (Tania) Head, alleged WTC 9/11 Imposter (Oct. 2007)
WTC 9-11 Survivors Resiliency Sessions:
"The Survivors' Circle"
Article in New York Magazine featuring an interview with WTC survivor Elia Zedeño.

"Falling Together"
Elia Zedeño is a WTC survivor. She was working on the 73rd floor of the North Tower in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. She escaped unharmed, but had many symptoms of PTSD afterward. "Falling Together" is a piece she wrote about how she confronted her experiences and how she has been changed by what she went through.

"Caregiver Resiliency: Strength from Within"
By Al Siebert, PhD. Useful questions to ask yourself and a listing of qualities present in successful caregivers.

9/11 Flag of Honor
John Michelotti decided to do something to honor and commemorate everyone who died in the terrorist attacks on September 11. He created an American flag with the names of the 3016 people who died that day written on the stripes. Included are those in the World Trade Center buildings, the Pentagon, and the passengers and pilots in the three hijacked airplanes. You can see the flag and buy one at the Flag of Honor website.

Resiliency Responses to Terrorism
A special task force created by the American Psychologist Association has produced a set of easy to read fact sheets titled "Fostering Resilience in Response to Terrorism." The fact sheets are for psychologists and other mental health workers who work with adults, children, older adults, military families, first responders, and other designated groups. Information about the fact sheets is available from the APA Help Center "The Road to Resilience".

Plan Ahead for Survival
Survivors and family members of victims of the bombing of the government building in Oklahoma City in 1995 searched for ways to make something positive come out of their loss. They created The National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT). Their website provides information about lessons learned, best practices, and free resources.
The information provided by the MIPT is important to access and study because the US Congress 9/11 commission report emphasizes that immediately after a terrorist attack, the first responders for escape, rescue, and medical emergencies are co-workers along with the security and safety personnel in the building. It takes many vital minutes before fire, rescue, medical, and other community emergency response teams arrive. Plan ahead.

Helpful Guidelines from the
Advisory Board and other useful articles:

Dealing with Trauma:
• Guidelines for Listening to War Veterans
• How to Develop Survivor Resiliency
• Holding Meetings During Emotional Times
• An Antidote to Fears of Terrorist Acts: Survivor Personality Skills.
   (Summary / printable pdf summary)
Al Siebert, Ph.D., Survivor Guidelines website coordinator
Director of The Resiliency Center and author of The Resiliency Advantage

From One Survivor to Another
Edith Eva Eger, Ph.D.,
internationally famous Auschwitz survivor, therapist and speaker

How I Survived the Deaths of Twelve Family Members
Joanne K. Hill

Rising from the Ashes of Grief
Joanne Jozefowski, Ph.D.
Author of The Phoenix Phenomenon and founder of Counseling Affiliates.

New! Out of Tragedy, Love
Jennifer Linney
A counter-point to the many personal tragedies that happened on 9/11/01, here is marvelous story written by a woman who was in her car very close to the Pentagon when it was hit by a plane.

Healing Terrorism Sickness
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
psychotherapist, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves,
and specialist in Critical Incident and Post-Trauma Management

The Resilience of Oklahoma City Bomb Survivors
Richard Williams
Oklahoma City bombing survivor, Community Leader

Recover by Writing
James Pennebaker, Ph.D., University of Texas
author of Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotion

Helping our Children and Ourselves
• Terror on Top of Grief: Trauma Reactions in Children
• Ways to Help Your Child and Yourself at the Same Time
William Steele, M.S.W., Psy.D.
founder of the The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children

What to Expect After a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event?
Based on information compiled from the American Psychological
Association and other disaster mental health websites.
Richard Tedeschi, Ph.D.
Co-editor of professional books on Post Traumatic Growth

How to be Vigilant without Worrying and Alert without Fear
• The Hero Within by Steven Barnes
• I'm not a Worrier by Rhonda Gates
• How to be Anxiety Free by Paul Scheele
• Trust in God by Linda Vollum
• Strategies used by Highly Resilient People. A collection of shorter comments.

Books and Resources useful to Trauma Survivors

Links to supportive sites.

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